People today are starting to understand the importance of good health, which is achieved through a well balanced diet, cutting out smoking and drinking, and incorporating some type of fitness program into daily life. While there are some excellent opportunities such as walking, swimming, tennis, handball, or working out in the gym, another option includes Pilates, which has taken our society by storm. In addition to being fun, Pilates is easy on the body while producing outstanding results.
Pilates involves a system of movement coupled with therapeutic exercise. This particular fitness program took Joseph H. Pilates over 60 years to perfect. In addition to helping people look better by toning and firming the body, Pilates makes people feel better. Through precision toning and bringing balance to muscles at the joint area, this fitness method stimulates circulation by using muscular flexibility, proper musculoskeletal alignment, and range of motion.Pilates also offers better body awareness while promoting coordination and creating new neuromuscular patterns. The result of this fitness program is a reduction or complete elimination of chronic pain and/or injury or re-injury. Joseph himself grew up with arthritis and asthma, making him feeble. His father was a prize-winning gymnast and his mother a practicing naturopath. Using a discarded anatomy book, Joseph studied and studied to better understand the various body parts. By the age of 14, he had learned how to develop his own body, so much so that he was hired as an anatomy model for other students to study.
With Joseph's knowledge and fine-tuning of this fitness method, he and his wife began teaching Pilates. The exciting thing about this fitness program is that by being developed around the natural movement of animals and other natural movements, millions of people are able to incorporate the program into their daily lives, finding they look and feel better. The bottom line is that whether using Pilates or some other type of fitness, you can tone the muscles, strengthen joints, and even reduce stress on the heart and lungs, giving you a longer, healthier life.
Pilates focuses on slow, controlled movements, smooth breathing, and concentration. There are over 500 exercises that were developed by Pilates. "Classical" exercises involve several principles which include concentration, flowing movement, and breathing. Other new training exercises are derived from the classical form and were designed to make exercises more accessible to different individuals.
Flexibility, strength, and improved core muscles are the primary health objectives and benefits of Pilates. The core muscles include many different muscles that balances the abdominals, spine, pelvis, and shoulders. These muscles are critical in controlling movements, transferring energy, and shifting body weight and movement in any direction. A strong core is necessary to distribute the stress of weight-bearing and support the back.
Individuals who have limited movements or those whose ailments limit them to wheelchairs and other contraptions may still engage in Pilates training. This exercise method promotes a sense of physical and mental well-being which may lead to inner physical awareness. Pilates also strengthens and lengthens the muscles without developing additional bulk. This exercise is beneficial for dancers, athletes, and other individuals who don't want more bulk.
Pilates may also aid individuals who want to prevent or are rehabilitating from injuries and are essential in improving posture, circulation, and balance. In addition to its health benefits, pregnant women who engage in Pilates training may develop improved body alignment, enhanced concentration, and improve body shape after pregnancy. According to Joseph Pilates, people who engage in Pilates will feel better in 10 sessions, look better in 20 sessions, and have a completely new body in 30 sessions. Pilates training are usually done slowly and carefully to promote movements that are smooth and flowing and ends with light stretching and cool down period.
Other health benefits of Pilates may include the following:
- Look and feel better
- Get stronger, more flexible, balance and become less prone to injury
- Target and tone problem areas
- Develop abs, butts, thighs, and arms
- Repair sports injuries
- Experience moments of relaxation
Pilates training appeals to a wide population because of the various health benefits it may bring. Becoming involved in this exercise program may change the way individuals think about their body, exercise, and overall well-being. Despite its health benefits Pilates training should not be used as a substitute for physical therapy.
We now see people from stay-at-home moms to famous movie stars faithfully using Pilates with amazing results. In fact, if you want the most out of fitness, we recommend you combine Pilates with a cardio type of exercise such as biking, walking, or swimming. This way, you get the best of both worlds. Best of all, fitness can be done by people of all ages and expensive equipment is not needed to be successful. Therefore, if you are tired of looking and feeling bad, get involved with a good fitness program such as Pilates.